Fishing Points: Forecast & GPS APK

by Fishing Points for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Fishing Points.

In Fishing Points, you can discover nautical maps and charts, explore places to fish, find where fish are currently swimming, discover fishing spots, explore water conditions, nautical charts and much more. You can also check rules, regulations and seasons for different fish species in different states.

Fishing Points gives you the best fishing times and places for saltwater anglers on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the nautical charts for worldwide marine anglers.

You can choose from four different map types: satellite, hybrid, terrain and ocean.

To find your location, use GPS or a mobile device to get your exact latitude and longitude coordinates.

In the fishing forecast, you can check the current conditions for temperature, rain probability, rain intensity, wind speed, wind directions and air pressure.

To know where to find fish, you can use nautical charts or maps to find the fishing locations. You can also check the current conditions for fish availability, sea surface temperature, water temperature, current and future water levels.