Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life Mod

by BralorMarr for Windows 10

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Free framework mod

The Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life mod is a free framework mod that handles defeat narratives in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Once defeated, random events may occur, such as being transported elsewhere, having items stolen, or being left for dead. 

The creator, BralorMarr, designed this framework to increase the narrative playstyle of Skyrim by including defeat as part of the story and expanding the role of NPCs. If you enjoy the added difficulty of different events in your game, other mods such as No Death Mod, Undeath, and SM Essential Player add unique scenarios and effects to challenge players.

Alternative to reloading on death

This mod attempts to provide a realistic defeat scenario without reloading the game, as typical in vanilla Skyrim. You’ll need to exercise caution when entering combat, as wounds have downtime for recovery, which will impact survival mods like food requirements and cold survival. Scenarios vary from a random NPC adventurer offering assistance to a bandit looting your unconscious body. 

Adds new ‘bleed-out’ debuff

One of the main features of Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life is that it adds a bleed-out state to players. Upon reaching zero HP, your character will enter bleed-out mode. When you’re in a bleed-out mode, you’ll be on the ground and unable to take direct action. You have a separate health bar of ‘bleed-out HP’ that will slowly diminish, causing you to become unconscious when reaching zero. 

A framework for other mods

Its creator designed Death Alternative to be a framework story manager for defeat and failure events. While most mods listen to and react to vanilla Skyrim events, Death Alternative never knows what mods listen to it. The story manager in SSE doesn’t have branches for failure events, so this mod allows other mods to register these branches when conditions are met.

Add an extra challenge to your game

Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life is an excellent mod for players who love to be challenged. The mod will require you to plan combat carefully and take time to recover afterward. With the new bleed-out state, you’ll have a second chance to succeed if luck is on your side.