
by iConcertCal for Mac OS X

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Never miss another concert or gig

How many times have you missed a concert or gig in your local area of one of your favorite artists?

If it’s more than you care to remember then you might find iConcertCal a useful friend. iConcertCal integrates with iTunes and iCal and according to the music you are listening to, reminds you of concerts or events happening in your local area.

iConcertCal monitors your music library and generates a personalized calendar of upcoming concerts in your city. It works out where you are in the world by detecting your IP address although if it’s wrong, you can change it by simply clicking on the current city and state text boxes and hitting the delete key to clear the previous location.

However, take note that iConcertCal only works for North American and UK users at the moment. If you’re based elsewhere, you’ll find that it won’t produce any results. In addition, it seems to scan your most played list and instantly insert concerts and gigs into iCal which can make iCal suddenly look very cluttered.

iConcertCal is a great way of keeping up with local concerts although it would be nice to see it work for all regions.

Version 2.9 is released to stay compatible with iTunes version 10.0.


  • Version 2.9 is released to stay compatible with iTunes version 10.0.

iConcertCal is a free iTunes plug-in that monitors your music library and generates a personalized calendar of upcoming concerts in your city. When iConcertCal first starts up it will try to automatically figure out what city and state you are in by checking your ip adress. But you can easily change your current city and state to search for shows in another town near you, or in a town where you plan to visit.

To change your city and state simply click on the current city and state text boxes and type in your new location. iConcertCal will recognize either your full state name (“California”) or the 2-letter abbreviation for your state (“CA”). If you live in Canada, then you can enter your province in the state field.

If you want to see who else is playing at a show you have in your list, simply hove your mouse over the show entry and a full list of all the other acts (that we could find) will be shown in a box above the calendar.