To Do – List Task Organizer

by AppRover for iOS 12.1.2

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To Do Application – Create Multiple Tasks at the Same Time

This To-Do application can be used by all users, no need to wait for the app update. This is a very useful tool for many things, one of the most useful is for those who have to do a lot of things in a day. With this application, you can create different lists with different tasks. You can create to-do lists for work, school, home, personal, and all other kinds of lists you can imagine. It is very easy to use and it can be accessed from anywhere, on any device, or even from your phone. The main benefit of this application is that it allows you to create multiple lists at the same time, where the user can add tasks from anywhere, at any time, and even add other people as collaborators. You can add a priority level for each task and a time that will be due, where the user will receive a notification, and so, in a way, it is very similar to a reminder.