WebCode – ide for html css an

by Alif software for Android 13.0

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WebCode – An IDE for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

WebCode is an integrated development environment (IDE) designed for web developers who need a powerful tool to create, manage, and debug their web projects. This app, developed by Alif software, is available for free on Android platform.

The app comes with a powerful editor that supports auto-completion (only for HTML and CSS), syntax highlighting, and indentation. It also allows you to preview your HTML files. The editor supports undo, redo, jump-to, find, and find-and-replace features, making it easy to navigate and edit your code.

WebCode also includes a console that shows logs and colors them based on their level. Additionally, the app comes with a file manager that allows you to access your files without leaving the app. You can copy, paste, and delete files right from the app.

Overall, WebCode is a great tool for web developers who need a powerful and easy-to-use IDE for their HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects.