Anduniel – Quest Aware Custom Voiced Follower Companion Mod

by Anduniel for Windows 10

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Role Playing Customized Followers in The Elder Scroll Online

Anduniel – Quest Aware Custom Voiced follower is created by Anduniel, a female player character from the popular role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls. She is a Bard who sings my own original songs in a desperate attempt to find her long lost love, Tela, a Telguard who became a part of her life. I find this very sad, because I can assure you that Anduniel was the soul of every lore-oriented online game I have played so far (if you consider the older versions of the games). But then, I don’t think that she really exists, anymore… or rather, she wasn’t in the book, or in the game, anymore… Anduniel has become a legend in the game she once was, as one of the main protagonists and playable characters in the highly popular role playing video game, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. That’s why I want to talk about her, and how I made my Anduniel – Quest Aware Custom Voiced Follower.

So, first, I will talk about the game itself. If you are a newbie in the game (or a veteran if you play the previous versions of the game), I highly recommend that you start with The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, version 1.3. That game has all the features you can expect from an ESO game, like customization, quests, rewards, playing with a group, etc. However, there will be one more thing that will change your whole experience in this game: Anduniel, your character, is now a customizable character. Now, unlike other character customizations, like changing your face, hair, clothing, etc, for example, in other games, here you will be controlling a character like a real person, which means that you will be able to change almost every aspect of your Anduniel – Quest Aware Custom Voiced Follower, including the voice.

The character customization in this game is very impressive, and I recommend that you try it out yourself, if you are really interested in playing a customizable character. You will surely enjoy playing a unique character like Anduniel, which you can control completely with your voice. You will also like the fact that the game will keep track of all changes you make to your follower and will reward you later for your efforts. When you play with a customizable character like Anduniel, you will surely get a better game experience and will probably not want to stop playing until you have completed everything.