NoteBurner Audiobook Converter

by NoteBurner for Mac OS X

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Convert audiobook file formats with NoteBurner Audiobook Converter

NoteBurner Audiobook Converter is a helpful utility that converts proprietary audiobook formats to other audio file formats. Audiobooks frequently come in proprietary file formats that make them hard to play on other apps or other devices. If you want to have maximum control over your audiobooks this app allows you to convert them into standard file formats like MP3 or AAC. Best of all the converted files can maintain their chapter headings and other information.

Converting audiobooks made easy

NoteBurner Audiobook Converter is simple and easy to use with a clean visual interface and a straightforward process that gets you converting immediately. Simply add files to the app window select the ones you want and click ‘Convert.’ The process will begin immediately. Some customisation is possible: for instance you can choose to leave chapters in your audiobook or leave the default setting — to combine the chapters into a single continuous track — enabled. This will only work in AAC format however. The conversion process is relatively efficient but audiobooks are large files and very long ones can still take quite a lot of time to convert fully.

A useful tool for audiobook lovers

If you have a lot of audiobooks and want to convert them into file formats that are easier for you to work with NoteBurner Audiobook Converter is a very useful application. It’s limited in what it does but what it does it does well.