Rom Check Fail

by Farbs for Windows XP

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The best of arcade classics in one game

If you’re a massive fan of the arcade classics than you will love or hate this game which combines the best of all them in one hell of a heady mix.

The game has been developed by the same team that brought the world Fishie Fishie and Polychromatic Funk Monkey – that gives you an idea of the eccentric minds we are dealing with here. The simple aim is to clear the screen of all enemies to complete each level, but the task is made difficult by the sudden switching of gameplay rules. When this happens, you suddenly find that ideas and concepts from old arcade classics such as Zelda and Super Mario Bros are suddenly thrown into the fray. The controls are fairly simple at least – just use the arrow keys to move and the space key acts as the “action” button. You can use the Left Alt and Enter keys combined to switch between full screen and windowed mode. Although there are about 20 levels, you’ll probably get through the first 10 very quickly as the levels seem ridiculously short.

Nevertheless, this is a very original game although perhaps a bit too clever for its own good as it does get rather confusing at times.

Carefully place a dozen arcade classics in a large mixing bowl. Add a dash of awesomesauce, cover the bowl, and allow the ingredients to ferment over three weeks.

Uncover in a well ventilated area, then mash until loud and glitchy. Serve over the internet for an unforgettable gaming experience.