Radio Viscera

by alliance for Windows 8.1

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Isomeric shooter game without bullets

Radio Viscera is a premium action game developed by Fire Face Corporation for PC. It is a top-down shooter that has a unique premise to it as there are no bullets. Instead, players will be using an air gun to fight enemies and blast doors and obstacles away.

Just like The Ascent or Synthetik, Radio Viscera features a sci-fi theme and takes place in a highly volatile world filled with destructible objects and explosives at every turn. Players will be utilizing the environment to dispatch enemies and overcome obstacles, all without firing a single bullet.

Nothing but air

The plot in Radio Viscera is just as flamboyant as its gameplay. You’ll be spending the majority of your time inside an industrial complex that is home to a satanic Y2K cult. In it, you play as an escaped humanoid creature, but the shady group has no intention of letting you go. Thus, begins your daring escape from a group of relentless pursuers, and against all odds.

To help with your escape, you have your trusty air gun to help you through. You won’t be dealing direct damage with it, though. Instead, it’s a great way to hurl enemies toward various environmental hazards to their demise. Each section of the vast map is highly destructible, even letting you blast walls to create your own path. Plus, it’s just a satisfying experience, cathartic even.

Take a breather from all the chaos and destruction by visiting the game’s peaceful outdoor zones. This can also give you the chance to discover and unlock new outfits, accessories, and mutators for your character. The game supports both controller and mouse/keyboard options, but both proved to be clunky and unintuitive for aiming and platforming, respectively. Hopefully, this will be addressed in a future update.

Radio ga ga

If you’re in the market for a new twin-stick shooter to try out, Radio Viscera is a solid game to consider. It provides a nice twist to the genre with its “no bullets” premise and highly entertaining combat. It’s a little sparse with the story, but if you’re just after some fun action, it won’t matter that much. Give this one a try.