Idle Human APK

by Green Panda Games for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Green Panda Games.

The study of the body’s systems and structures, as well as how they interact, is known as anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is concerned with the physical arrangement of body parts, whereas physiology is concerned with the inner workings of cells, tissues, and organs. Understanding human anatomy and physiology is essential for practicing medicine and other areas of health care.

Idle Human is an Android app where you can have fun learning about the human body. In this game, you will have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to discover and create the various parts of a human being staring from the first cell. You’ll discover the procedure in which a human body takes shape, beginning with the very first bone fragments and progressing to every organ, nerves, and muscles, until it becomes a complete human.