
by Helma for Windows 2000

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Fast and effective JavaScript development tool

Brings a wealth of new features, both in the skin rendering framework and in the scripting department where it’s been updated to Rhino 1.6


  • Brings a wealth of new features, both in the skin rendering framework and in the scripting department where it’s been updated to Rhino 1.6

Helma is an open source web application framework for fast and efficient scripting and serving of your websites and Internet applications. Helma is written in Java and employs Javascript for its server-side scripting environment, removing the need for compilation cycles and reducing development costs while giving you instant access to leverage the whole wealth of Java libraries out there.

Helma pioneered the simple and codeless mapping of application objects to database tables, which has only recently come into vogue with other web frameworks. In addition, to this the inclusion of an embedded object-oriented database allows you to perform automatic data persistence of unmapped objects.

Helma has proven itself to be stable and fast, capable of serving high traffic sites with hundreds of thousands of dynamic pages per day. The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, popular weblog hosting sites such as antville.org, twoday.net, and blogger.de, among many others, have successfully been deploying Helma for several years.