Dragon Star Varnir

by Idea Factory, Compile Heart for Windows 10

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Unleash the Dragon in You

Dragon Star Varnir is a role-playing game by Idea Factory and Compile Hearts, that brings you to a unique world full of dragons and witches. Now a PC port this action-adventure game tells the story of Zephy. Once a part of an order dedicated to hunting witches, he found himself embroiled with the people he used to consider an enemy. With the dragon blood he gained after he was saved from the brink of death, Zephy must help these witches in a dangerous mission. In this epic JRPG, players will have to fight ruthless dragon hunters, an empire, and a powerful legendary witch to end the dragon’s curse. 

From Knight to Hero

Dragon Star Varnir introduces a new and unique twist to turn-based combat. Since you’ll be fighting dragons, and your witch friends can equally fly, the game lets you fight in three-tiered battles with three vertically-oriented levels you can use. You can fly above the enemy and unleash devastating magic upon them and their teammates, or you can fly up to an enemy’s level and deal physical attacks on a single target. There are tons of ways the strategy can go with this new flexibility to the battlefield. As Zephy and his team possess dragon blood, they can also awaken their inner dragon by attacking an enemy during battle. They can also fill up their Dragon Gauge and drastically increase their power. Players can even get them to acquire skillsets from enemies. They only need to use the special Devour skill to expand their abilities.

Dragon Star Varnir is also half of a visual novel game. It flaunts an interesting plot, coupled with heartwarming moments of bonding between the characters. However, while this all seems like a solid game, the game still lacks in a lot of areas. For one, it comes with a lot of game assets recycled from the developer’s old games. Although the cast and their colorful designs are original, the similarities are still glaring. More, the story felt rushed halfway, and the combat eventually devolves into more brute force rather than actual strategizing. If you want a full JRPG  experience, this game might be disappointing.