Become Emperor: Kingdom Revival

by Alximicus for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Alximicus.

Become Emperor: Kingdom Revival is a game that is all about the management of an ancient kingdom. You will be the new ruler of a small medieval town that is located on the continent of Europe. The game will begin when you become the new heir to the king of the town. You will have to manage the people in the town, the economy, the government, the military, and many other aspects of the game.

The most important thing in the game is the management of the citizens. You will have to keep the people in the town happy and satisfied with their lives. You will be able to make them happier by giving them good services, such as:

A good education

A good job

A stable income

A safe environment

A healthy lifestyle

A good relationship with the other inhabitants

You will have to do this in order to maintain the loyalty of the people. The people will be able to tell you how they feel about the services that you provide. If they are happy, you will have a good relationship with them.