Infotag Magic

by Contextmagic for Windows NT

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Displays a tip with information about MP3

InfoTag Magic displays an informative tip on your screen when you hover your mouse over MP3 and plain text files.

Although Windows already includes a similar function for MP3 files, InfoTag Magic adds more detail to the displayed tip, which enables you to get a more exact preview of the track’s ID tags without having to use an external tag editor or music player.

The good thing about InfoTag Magic is that it doesn’t work only with MP3 files. The program also displays the same kind of tips for plain text files (that includes TXT, INI, LOG and other formats), which comes in very handy when trying to find a certain text file.

On the downside, I missed the possibility of having some basic configuration options where to select which sort of data I want to be displayed on those tips.

With InfoTag Magic you can see text snippets with interesting information every time you hover your mouse over an MP3 or text file.

A typical shell extension is meant to help a user work with a category of files. Let’s suppose you’re mainly interested in audio files (MP3, WMA, Monkey’s Audio, Ogg Vorbis and so on), but there is no system-provided way to know about the title of a song, artist or album it belongs to. If you manipulate audio files extensively, then this shell extension can be really helpful for you.

The first solution that comes to mind is to add a new property page for these files. Actually, this isn’t a very elegant approach since the user have to right-click, select the Properties menu item, and choose the correct tab to read the information. A much better way of getting the same result is by using infotips.

An infotip is a short bit of text that a tooltip control displays when the mouse hovers over a file of a certain type. This text snippet is meant to provide details about the content of that particular file. InfoTag Magic Infotip Shell Extension InfoTag Magic tells you the title, artist, album, duration, year and other information stored in the ID3 (MP3), Windows Media Audio, Monkey’s Audio or Ogg Vorbis tags.

Also it provides quick and simple preview for plain text files, such as TXT, INI, LOG, BAT, DIZ, BAK and QUE. So, if you need to have a quick look to the text file you do not have to open it in a text editor. Just point the file name with your mouse in Windows Explorer and InfoTag Magic will display you first five lines of that file in a tooltip next to the mouse pointer.

As a bonus feature InfoTag Magic displays various properties (target file name, location, working directory, arguments) for Windows shortcuts and version information (file and product version numbers, product name and description, internal name and copyright) for executable files, such as EXE, DLL and OCX.