
by Tokyo RPG Factory for Windows 8

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Return to the age of classic RPGs in Lost Sphear

Lost Sphear is a fantasy role-playing game inspired by traditional Japanese RPGs. In it, you take control of a group of friends who must investigate the mysterious disappearance of their home village. To unlock the mystery, they’ll have to reclaim missing memories that contain the answers to their questions.

A search for the past

Fans of Tokyo RPG Factory’s previous game, I Am Setsuna, will find some familiar elements in Lost Sphear’s Chrono Trigger-inspired active time battle system. Succeeding in combat means keeping a careful eye on the rate at which your party’s various abilities recharge. Unlike some JRPGs, positioning is important, and you’ll have to move your team around to line up attacks and keep them out of danger. You can also use various artefacts to improve your party’s combat performance, ranging from stones you can place around the landscape to suits of powered armour you can use to boost your abilities.

A world of nostalgia

It’s fitting that a game as indebted to past RPGs as Lost Sphear should be all about finding old memories. If you like classic JRPGs, you’ll find a lot to like in this game. However, it also shares some of their flaws.