Design Home: House Renovation APK

by Crowdstar Inc for Android 13.0

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Free Game for Interior Designers

Design Home is a game that allows players to design and decorate their dream home. The game presents a huge catalogue of items that are just waiting to be selected and players can get busy styling their home in any way they choose.

Time to Get Designing

One of the cool things about Design Home is that this is the first game of this type and the original concept is likely to capture the imagination of certain types of gamers. The game can be rather addictive as there is a heavy emphasis on finding the best furniture and putting it in the perfect location. While for certain types of gamers this idea is likely to be a dream come true, for many people the novelty is likely to wear off rather quickly as there is little more to do here.

Diamonds are a Home’s Best Friend

People who are willing to pay out for diamonds will find that it is almost impossible to get to the next level of Design Home. While the game is free to download and use, most of the items that are available to decorate the home with have to be paid for with diamonds, and it should be noted that increasingly large numbers of diamonds are required. However, people who are willing to do this are likely to have hours of fun creating the perfect dream home.