SCP : Secret Files

by Game Zoo Studio for Windows 10

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Step into the world of a Foundation researcher

SCP : Secret Files is an adventure video game wherein you can enter the world of the bizarre and abnormal. Developed by Game Zoo Studio, this story-rich indie game offers immersive storytelling about the lore of the SCP Foundation—with the use of various gameplay mechanics and genres. 

Similar to SCP: Containment Breach – Unity, SCP : Secret Files features various anomalies you can encounter in one game. However, they’re all separated by their own individual stories instead of being housed in just one location. While it doesn’t feel as cohesive due to this design, it does follow the style of the original material more.

An adventure within an adventure

The SCP Foundation is a popular website that hosts various scientifically and academically written stories about the chronicles of a fictional secret organization with the same name. It’s an online community-based collaborative fiction project that showcases the organization tasked with locating and containing supernatural creatures, objects, and phenomena known as “SCPs.” The main attraction of the website is the SCPs, with some tales about the Foundation staff as additional content.

Thanks to the Foundation’s immersive writing style and the various genres incorporated in its entries—like horror and sci-fi—it became highly successful and garnered fame as a point of inspiration for many other horror stories and video games. One such game is SCP:Secret Files, which follows the style of the website closely and presents each of the SCPs individually as a collection of paranormal cases

You play as an assistant researcher to one of the upper-level staff and must sort out the top-secret files of the Foundation. You end up encountering five SCPs, visiting various locations—like a classic horror scene and a fantastical world—and experiencing different genres as you progress. However, unlike in SCP: Containment Breach and SCP: Containment Breach – Unity, you can only interact with these five.

Never a dull day in the Foundation

All in all, SCP : Secret Files is a great little exploration game that offers a narrative-driven atmospheric plot. While it doesn’t offer as many SCPs as some of the other games, it still highlights the terrifying and enchanting allure of these things—as depicted in the website. If you like more fan games based on the SCP Foundation, there’s also SCP-087, SCP: Secret Laboratory, and SCP: Blackout.