Spider simulator Rodent Jungle

by Wonder Studio GameX for Android 13.0

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Spider Simulator Rodent Jungle: An Adventure Game for Spider Lovers

Spider Simulator Rodent Jungle is an action-packed adventure game developed by Wonder Studio GameX. This free game is available for Android users who love to experience the life of a venomous spider in a 3D insect world. The game’s objective is to establish and maintain a spider colony, search for food resources, and protect the spider queen and larva from other insects that attack.

The game has a large natural habitat filled with other insects such as Python, Dragon Bugs, phrynus, and Ants that players can attack to survive. The game features RPG-style gameplay, smooth controls, and high-quality 3D graphics that make it even more engaging. Players can choose from different spider species like a black widow spider or tarantula spider, and earn points to customize their spider.

The game also has a multiplayer mode where players can fight against other spider families to defend their territory. The game is not for arachnophobes as it features realistic sound effects of wild insects and weather effects. Overall, Spider Simulator Rodent Jungle is an exciting game for spider lovers who want to experience the life of a spider in a micro-insect world.