Startup Select

by Dummysoftware for Windows XP

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Did you know that each time you turn on your PC, Windows runs a list of programs automatically in the background? This causes icons to be added to your system-tray, hidden programs to execute, a slower PC, and in many cases, spyware to run.

Startup Select is a powerful Windows startup manager. It allows you to identify, enable/disable, and remove the programs located in the Registry and Startup Folders, which run automatically every time Windows starts up.

One of the unique features in Startup Select is the ability to first identify the program before disabling or removing it. This allows you to choose which programs are needed and which can be disabled. By disabling unwanted programs, your PC will startup faster, you’ll have less clutter next to your clock, you’ll have improved PC performance, and you’ll protect yourself from harmful spyware and viruses.