Calendly: Meeting Scheduling App

by Calendly for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Calendly.

Calendly is a meeting scheduling app that helps you connect with others so you can accomplish more. Whether you’re looking to schedule a business meeting, a social event, or just to make a quick call, we take the work out of connecting with others.

Calendly is all about making it easy for you to meet with the people you want to meet. We’re the only meeting app that lets you do the following:

Schedule meetings. 

Create simple rules that let you know your availability. 

Share your Calendly links with other apps, including emails, texts, and more. 

Automate tasks with your favorite apps, including Zoom, Google Meet, Salesforce, GoToMeeting, Zapier, and more. 

Use Calendly to connect with your team and get more work done.