SCalc Denim theme APK

by Sergio Andre Fagundes for Android 13.0

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SCalc Denim theme – Change the look of your calculator

SCalc Denim theme is a personalization app designed for Android that allows you to change the look of your calculator. The app is developed by Sergio Andre Fagundes and is available for free on the Play Store.

The app offers a variety of themes that can be downloaded from the Play Store, which can change the skin, wallpaper, and font of your calculator. Applying the theme is easy, as you just need to select the theme from the menu in the calculator and tap on ‘Select Theme’ to choose the theme you want.

The app also allows you to download more themes by selecting ‘Download Themes’ from the menu in the calculator. The developer provides customer support through email, and refunds are available for two hours. The app is updated regularly to add new features and requests for new icons are welcome.