
by Jalumar for Android 13.0

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App for translating speech and text

Translate is a utilities and tools app for converting speech and text to and from your native tongue to your desired language, with the option to copy or add newly translated words or phrases to your dictionary. You can also share them on Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp, and let everyone know that you’ve learned a new foreign word.

However—as with any other translators—do expect erroneous translations of certain words and phrases. Ads are a huge issue in Translate, too. For instance, an advertisement can appear at any time while using the microphone feature. 

Translate words and speech

Translation apps—like the popular Google Translate—are great tools for learning new languages, not to mention that most apps are available for free. If you want to try another program, you can give the Translate app a spin. Here, you can translate a word from English to your desired language and vice versa—which you can copy on your local Notepad for future reference. 

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to hear how the words are pronounced since the speaker icon does not work. On the flip side, it utilizes voice recognition technology for translating verbal communication and converting them to text—which is handy for conversations. However, not all translations are perfect, so expect inaccuracies here and there. You’re also going to have problems converting longer complex sentences in your desired language.

This is because the app is more likely to generate erroneous, non-sensical responses. Hence, it’s best if you have a working knowledge of your target language rather than relying on it to converse with people of different nationalities. Also, do bear in mind that advertisements will appear when you least expect them. They’re invasive and the only way to disable them is to purchase a monthly subscription package.

Not worth the effort

At first glance, Translate can come off as a good alternative to Google Translate. Unfortunately, it’s not satisfying to use as you can’t listen to the audio translation of words due to its non-working speaker icon. It has the tendency to generate nonsensical translations, too—and that’s something you need to watch out for. Although it has ads, you can remove them by availing of its monthly subscription offer.

Android Free Translator

Free Translator

Problems with communication? travel? studies?

Now you can instantly translate to and from 40 different languages whenever you want, from your mobile device or tablet! Simply type the phrase you want to translate, select the source language and the language into which you want to do the translation and press the "Translate" button. In the box below the text, the translation will be displayed and ready to be copied to any other application, email, sms, whatsapp, facebook or whatever you want.

Moreover, so you have a better understanding of the translated language, we have a button that says the words with the original accent. Whether it’s because you’re learning languages or because you’re traveling to a country where the language could be a barrier, this is perfect translator for you. You shouldn´t travel without this great application!

If you want to share your translations with your friends, you can easily publish directly to your facebook wall, send it through Whatsapp, email, sms or any other application you have installed on your mobile device.

In case you can not write, or if you wish another person to speak to you in another language, you can use the voice recognition available in this translator and immediately the spoken words will happen to be readable and translatable in a text. Just press the microphone icon and go!

The use of this application is 100% free and open but you must have an internet connection (WiFi or 3G) to access the translation server.

40 different languages are available so you can translate without limits in the same application.

The languages offered by this translator are: (en) Spanish (es) English (pt) Portuguese (de) German, (hu) Hungarian (ar) Arabic (id) Indonesian (bg) Bulgarian, (ca) Catalan (fr) Italiano (cs) Czech (ja) Japanese (zh-CHS) Chinese (simp) (lv) Latvian (zh-CHT) Chinese (trad), (lt) Lithuanian, (ko) Korean (ms) Malay (ht) Haitian, (no) Norwegian (da) Danish (fa) Persian (sk) Slovak (pl) Polish (sl) Slovenian (ro) Romanian (et) Estonian (ru) Russian (fi) Finnish (sv) Swedish (fr) French, (th) Thai (the) Greek (tr) Turkish (I) Hebrew (uk) Ukrainian (hi) Hindi (ur) Urdu (mww) Hmong Daw, (vi) Vietnamese (nl) Dutch.

If the translator