Challenge 195 Austria New Free Hidden Object Game APK

by Hidden Object Games - PlayHOG for Android 9.0

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Challenge 195 Austria: A New Free Hidden Object Game

Challenge 195 Austria is an Android game developed by Hidden Object Games – PlayHOG. It is a free game that falls under the puzzle category. The game has 100 levels, each of which is designed to make you search and find hidden objects in a picture puzzle. With a total of 400 objects to find, it offers an exciting and challenging experience for players.

The game’s graphics are vibrant and visually appealing, making it a fun and memorable experience. It also includes a leaderboard where players can compete against each other to see who can find all the objects in the shortest time possible. Players can use hints to help them find objects, and pinch and zoom to get a closer look at the picture puzzle.

Unlike other Hidden Object Games that offer teaser levels before making you pay, Challenge 195 Austria is completely free. It is an addictive game that challenges players to solve different hidden games. It is ideal for those who are searching for a hard hidden games experience in find objects games free. If you like Hidden Objects Games Free New, then Challenge 195 Austria is definitely worth a try.