Satellite Check: GPS Tools APK

by Disciple Skies Software for Android 9.0

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Satellite Check – The Perfect Tool to Help You Navigate

Satellite Check is the perfect tool to help you navigate with the most accurate location information.  Use the app to view the location and satellite position of any satellite in the sky, view the current position and the location of your device on the map, and check the accuracy of your location.

The app calculates your position and the position of any satellite in the sky. Use the app to check the accuracy of your location, find out how far away the satellite is, calculate the time to an accurate fix, and view the satellite’s current position on the map.

The app calculates many interesting figures such as your altitude, distance to points of interest, physical addresses, sunrise, sunset, moon phases, and much more. The app also reports the magnetic declination, allowing the magnetic compass in the application to report deviation from true north instead of the magnetic north. The true-north-reporting compasses work very nicely with the maps, which can be oriented along the true north-south axis or rotated to your heading, depending on your preference.