Personal Loan App CapitalNow

by CapitalNow - Instant Personal Loan Online Loan for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by CapitalNow – Instant Personal Loan Online Loan.

CapitalNow is an online platform for instant loans. It aims to help the masses get easy access to financial services through its loan product. We offer a simple and quick loan process that does not require any physical verification. Our automated under-writing algorithm helps us maintain a TAT of 2 hours for the first-time borrower and 10 minutes for a regular borrower.

Our loan process is completely online and doesn’t involve any physical verification. The only requirement is that the applicant should have a bank account and should be earning above a certain amount. We do not require any specific documents to be submitted.

How can I apply?

All you need to do is fill in the required details in the application form and submit it. Once the application is approved, you will receive the loan amount in your bank account.

What can I do with the loan?

You can use the loan for any purpose. You can pay your bills, purchase a new gadget, and make other expenses.