Ting Sensor

by Whisker Labs Inc. for iOS 16.4

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Ting Sensor – Preventing Electrical Fires for a Safer Home

Ting Sensor is a free utility tool developed by Whisker Labs Inc. that helps prevent electrical fires in your home. It constantly monitors the electricity in your home, detecting small micro-arcs that could cause electrical fires. If a hazard is detected, Ting‘s support team will coordinate a licensed electrician to visit your home to find and fix the hazard. In addition, Ting provides detailed analysis of your home’s power, notifications of power outages, internet outages, and power surges that can damage your sensitive electronic devices.

Ting is easy to use and provides peace of mind for fire safety. It is a fitness tracker for your home that protects what matters most. With Ting, you can be sure that you and your family are safe from electrical fires, and if a hazard is detected, Ting will cover up to $1,000 of the repair costs. Over time, Ting‘s machine learning algorithms will also provide important notifications on the performance of key appliances like your HVAC. Ting Sensor is available on the iPhone platform.