Left Hand Rings Modified SE Mod

by Homercide for Windows 10

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Left Hand Rings Modified

Left Hand Rings Modification for skim comes with two unique features, specifically named Radiant Orcs and Dark Brotherhood. I know there are a lot of people upset about using the vanilla rings because they feel like the game is ‘stuck’ where it is, but this isn’t the case at all. You have the ability to create your own Left Hand Rings if you so choose, not only that, but you also have the ability to craft and enchant these items at the forge with the appropriate supplies and crafting skill. This makes this a great choice for players who don’t want to use the default rings available in the game, but who want to add some flavor and personality to their gameplay experience. You can also use the mod, to simply make more gold!

Radiant Orcs: This is a unique ring that is unique in two ways. First off, it is only available for Orcs, which is what the game is called for a reason. Second, the ring is crafted differently than the other rings you can craft. You do not have to use an enchanted item in this instance, but you can still enchant the ring (using a gem) and the stone will glow in sunlight as an Orcs ring. You can use it to do a variety of things in the game, but its main purpose is simply to look cool.

Dark Brotherhood: As you may know, the Dark Brotherhood is a group that trains you in magic. Using a soul gem, you are able to make one ring that can be used by members to cast various spells. Once made, you can enchant or craft the ring to suit your character. You simply need to be adept with at least a couple of spells to use this ring effectively. To use the spells, simply wear the ring and cast a spell.