Remove Objects – Photo Eraser

by TOP POINT DOO for iOS 16.4

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Remove Objects – Photo Eraser

Remove Objects – Photo Eraser is an iPhone application developed by TOP POINT DOO. It offers users a simple and efficient way to remove unwanted items from their images. With just a few easy steps, users can effortlessly erase unwanted objects and enhance their photos.

To use the app, users can either pick a photo from their camera or gallery. They can then choose the brush size of the eraser to accurately remove the desired object. By painting over the unwanted item, the magic happens and it disappears seamlessly from the image.

The app provides several useful features to enhance photo editing. Users can remove unwanted stickers or text, erase captions, and even get rid of pimples and skin blemishes. Additionally, it allows users to remove telephone wires, posts, power lines, as well as surface breaks and scratches.

Overall, Remove Objects – Photo Eraser is a convenient tool for anyone looking to improve their photos by removing unwanted objects. It is easy to use and offers a range of features to enhance photo editing. Please note that for any idea or feedback about the app, users can contact the developer via email at