Multiplication table

by profamath for Android 13.0

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Multiplication Table – Pro Level Challenge

Multiplication Table is an Android game developed by profamath. It is a free educational game that challenges users to test their multiplication skills. The game is designed to help users improve their multiplication skills while having fun.

The game is set up in a quiz format, where users are presented with a series of multiplication questions. The questions are timed, and the faster the user answers the questions, the higher the score they get. The game is divided into different levels, with each level getting progressively harder. The game also has a leaderboard, where users can compare their scores with other players.

The game is easy to use and has a simple interface. It is suitable for all ages, and it is a great way to improve your multiplication skills. Overall, Multiplication Table is an excellent app for anyone who wants to test their multiplication skills and improve them at the same time.