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Save The Planet From a Trio of Deadly Contagions

Quarantine is a turn-based strategy game that places you in charge of saving the world. Deadly contagions have been discovered and are spreading across the globe. It is your job, as head of Pandemic Research, to contain and eliminate these pathogens before the Earth’s population becomes infected.

Recruit A Team to Support Your Efforts

In Quarantine, one of the key challeges is to create the right team to support your efforts in combating the spread of deadly disease. Placing the right operatives in the relevent role is essential to success. There are four positions to fill within your team, medic, scientist, diplomat, and security officer. These people must be deployed to various missions around the world, their vital efforts helping them to level up their skills and expertise. Fight the contagions, and samples become available to collect and research in one of your labs or field bases. As you develop defenses to the diseases, the contagions can morph and put you back at square one. Fight back by securing funding to finally defeat them and save mankind.

Defend Against A Three-Pronged Attack

Quarantine exposes you to three different type of pathogen to battle, virus, bacteria, and prion, each threatening a different type of devastation. It’s a good challenge to research and develop defenses against all three of these diseases alongside a trusted team that you must put in place to succeed.