Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme APK

by Fancy Keyboard 2019 for Android 9.0

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Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme: A Cute and Personalized Keyboard App for Android

Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme is a free keyboard app designed for white kitty lovers. It features a cute pink cartoon keyboard with a fluffy furry paw keypad and a cuddly kitten as a background. You can enjoy different types of expressive emojis, funny stickers, and emotions, as well as thousands of various free cat keyboard themes to choose from. With Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme, you can type more stylish, smooth, and smart, with features like gesture typing, slide typing, emoji prediction, smart auto-correction, voice input, and support for over 120 languages.

The app offers an exclusive sparkling pink animation, 3D supreme HD wallpaper, and custom pink fluffy furry paw front keypad characters. The Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme is only available with the developer’s keyboard installed on Android phones. The app is compatible with 99% of Android phones devices. It also offers a vast collection of free custom keyboard themes, including anime, black, 3D, skull, love, wolf, neon, and more, all without ads. The adjustable keyboard allows you to set the lovely kitty keyboard’s height easily to suit your needs. If you’re a fan of cute and personalized keyboard apps, Lovely Cat Keyboard Theme is worth trying out.