Conversational U.S – English

by MobiSystems for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by MobiSystems.

This is the free version of the best-selling book, Conversational American English, with over 3,000 expressions organized by topic. This version is ideal for those who want to learn basic American English.

The book is divided into three main topics: greetings, small talk, and introduction. Each topic includes over 500 expressions. The expressions are illustrated, so you can easily understand the context. This will help you not only remember the expressions but also use them in your daily conversations.

The book is very easy to use. Simply tap the topics you want to learn, and then tap the expressions. You will then be able to practice them in the speech box. Once you have mastered them, you can use the app’s built-in test function to see how well you have learned them.

You can use this book to help you improve your vocabulary and speaking skills.

The book’s topics include:

Basic Social Encounters: expressions used when you meet someone for the first time, greetings, how to introduce yourself and your friend or partner, how to end a conversation, good-byes, and how to say goodbye.

Greetings: expressions used when you wish to start a conversation, and also when you wish to say hello.

Small Talk: expressions used when you are talking to someone, and also when you are making a small talk.