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Rhythm and action combine in Thumper

Thumper is a rhythm game in which you take control of a space beetle rushing along a track littered with obstacles. To survive, you need to master the art of doing several things at once. You’ll have to brace for impact with obstacles, move around turns and even fight enemies, all while keeping pace with the pulsing rhythm of the soundtrack.

Welcome to rhythm hell

With all these gameplay elements, you wouldn’t expect Thumper to have a one-button control scheme, and yet that’s exactly what it has; you navigate all these obstacles and enemies with nothing but a control stick and a single button. The system is easy to use, but that doesn’t mean the game is easy — it’s tense and challenging. Unlike most rhythm games, which have bright, upbeat themes, this game is a dark and intimidating one, with a violent sense of physical impact. Get hit, and your beetle’s protective outer shell will shatter. Get hit again, and it’s back to the most recent checkpoint for you. The monstrous, skull-like boss who confronts you at the end of every level is particularly horrifying, especially if you have the opportunity to see it in VR.

The beat of a different drum

If the idea of a rhythm action game with a tinge of horror sounds appealing to you, Thumper is well worth your attention. It’s dark, different and challenging.