Enjoy complete access to all their primary banking services, wherever they are in the world
If you find it hard to keep on top of all your banking errands, bill payments, transfers etc…, it might be time to take your banking to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a banking branch in a new city, or need to keep an eye on your incoming and outgoing payments, this app makes it easy to pull all your activity into one place. Swipe through mobile transfers, outgoing payments, incoming credit and more, or customize your alert settings so you know exactly when a transfers been made, or a payment received.
Incredibly simple to use, the Washington Federal app boasts a slick and pared-back design that lets you access your details in no time at all. Once you’ve downloaded this app for the first time, you’ll be prompted to input your details to sync your personal or business account with the app, before being able to move on and tailor the app your exact requirements.
Whether you want full freedom to make payments from anywhere, or just want to keep a remote eye on your activity, you’ll find all the support you need with this streamlined, incredibly easy to use banking app.
You can add or remove as many accounts as you wish, with tailored alerts to send you push notifications for when a specific transaction type or activity has occurred. Having trouble with your account?
This app lets you contact a WAFD rep immediately with just the tap of your screen, or register for text banking to make sending payments even easier. Enjoy a full and clear record of all your activity, perfect if you’re bad at book-keeping and need a helping hand keeping a clear eye on all your financial transactions.
If you’re headed to a new town or on vacation, finding a bricks and mortar outlet for your banking provider can be tricky. With the WF app, you can locate banks just a short stroll from wherever you are, or track down an ATM to withdraw funds or make amends to your account at the terminal.