Screen Mirror To LG WebOS

by ‪BK App Center‬ for Windows 10

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Locked to your PC, your desktop is no longer yours

When you are using your PC and you want to watch a TV program or play a game in another place, you might not want to leave your device unattended. Although it is very easy to use, it is not always practical because it might mean letting others have access to your private files, especially when you want to share them with a friend. If you are using a Laptop, it would be easy for someone to access the content on your PC. However, if you are using a Desktop, then the problem is more serious. Luckily, Windows 10 comes with a security option which can help you prevent anyone from accessing the files on your PC. This option is called Screen Mirroring and it is accessible in the Settings » Devices option. By enabling this feature, you are allowing your PC to be shared, which means that you can show your desktop on your TV screen or anywhere else, via your mobile device.