Income Tax Form 2017-18 – Gujarati APK

by NARESH DHAKECHA for Android 9.0

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Income Tax Form 2017-18 – Gujarati: A Comprehensive Tax Solution for Gujarati Government Employees

Income Tax FormGujarati is an Android application developed by Naresh Dhakecha that provides an all-in-one solution for government employees working in Gujarat. This app acts as an income tax calculator and also provides forms, guidance on tax acts, and information on app functions.

With this app, users can easily enter figures of salaries, other incomes, and deductible amounts, and all the calculations are displayed in the app. The app offers multiple options for exporting forms, including Gujarati form, Form-16, and Salary Statement as an Excel file. This app is a great tool for government employees in Gujarat who need to calculate their income tax and fill out forms accurately and efficiently.