by FiLMiC Inc. for Android 13.0

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A revolutionary photo camera app

FiLMiC or also published as FiLMiC Firstlight – Photo App in Google Play Store is a photography application developed by the pioneers of the class lead­ing FiLMiC Pro cine­ma video cam­era application. This tool provides a fast, easy, and intuitive user interface that allows you to capture your best mo­ments with high-quality image output. With this, you can skip spending hours embellishing your photos and proceed to share it with your family and friends, in pronto. 

Professional tools and advanced controls

Firstlight provides tons of competent and efficient camera tools that are usually found in your device’s built-in camera. These include burst mode, timer, flash, and grid over­lays. Aspect ratio options such as 4:3, 16:9, 3:2, 1:1, 5:4 are also available. You can also choose the format of your image output between JPG or HEIC se­lec­tion. If your gadget is part of the supported devices, HDR control will be served for you also. 

On the other hand, Firstlight also offers the most in­tu­itive way to man­u­al­ly ad­just your camera’s fo­cus and ex­po­sure controls. Cross-swipe man­u­al con­trols allows you to simply swipe across your photo to get your per­fect shot—up and down to modifies ex­po­sure while left and right fine-tunes fo­cus. Reactive analytics, the foun­da­tion fea­ture of FiLMiC Pro, is also present in this photo app. This helps you to capture everything splendidly by au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ap­plying fo­cus peak­ing or ze­bra stripes.

On top of that, it exhibits RGB Histogram that dy­nam­i­cal­ly shows the ex­po­sure pro­file of your im­age across all col­or chan­nels. Here, in Firstlight, you could get any look you want with the cus­tom film sim­u­la­tions and adap­tive film grain that they provide. If you wish to experience more expanded realistic film simulations, you can upgrade and purchase its premium version to un­lock the full po­ten­tial of this photography tool.

Capture moment in quality

FiLMiC just makes photography more convenient to do for all especially with the fast, easy, and intuitive but still, professionally advanced camera tools and controls they give off. You will no longer find the need to edit and beautify photos before proceeding to share them with your family and friends. It enables you to capture the best moments in the highest quality possible and exhibiting the image look you want.