Aprende Ortografía

by The city of the apps for Android 13.0

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Improve Your Spelling with Aprende Ortografía

Aprende Ortografía is a free Android app developed by The City of the Apps that helps users improve their spelling. It’s especially useful for those preparing for exams. With over 10,000 questions and more than 500 tests, it contains all the spelling rules and includes dictation exercises.

The app covers a variety of topics including words and phrases with b or v, c or z, g or j, h or no h, y or ll, m or n, r or rr, s or x, accents, capitalization, and punctuation. It even includes 67 dictation exercises to improve listening and writing skills.

The app is easy to use and includes statistics to track your progress. It’s completely free and doesn’t include any in-app purchases.

Improve your spelling skills with Aprende Ortografía and enjoy learning in a fun and interactive way.