Immortal Soul: Black Survival

by Hong Kong Bao Chuan Software Technology Limited for iOS 12.1.2

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Immortal Soul: Black Survival for iphone from Hong Kong Bao Chuan Software Technology Limited

“Immortal Soul: Black Survival” is a multiplayer horror survival game, where you will be the last survivor on a unique battleground.

The battle takes place on an unknown island, separated into 22 areas, surrounded by abandoned buildings, ravaged land, and hidden ingredients.

Explore the various places on the island and use the environment to your advantage. Get the best loot by scavenging abandoned buildings and other locations.

In order to survive, you will have to battle other players. All you have is your gun and a number of items. These items are available through the inventory and can be used for protection or as a weapon.

In order to increase your chances to win, you have to be careful and avoid certain situations. If you’re not careful, you might lose your way on the island and perish.

So, it is highly recommended that you use the compass to keep your way. However, it is possible that you will be lost and be unable to find your way back to the starting point.