Sprint Hunt – Survival horror

by BOLD CAT for Android 13.0

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Sprint Hunt – Survival horror: A Thrilling Game for Horror Fans

Sprint Hunt – Survival horror is a thrilling survival game that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Developed by BOLD CAT, this game is available for Android and is completely free.

In this game, you find yourself trapped in an abandoned station and must avoid a terrifying maniac. Your only hope for survival is to run and hide. Along the way, you can collect chests and bonuses, set traps, and slow down time. The longer you survive, the more points you earn.

The game features amazing graphics and optimization, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the horror atmosphere without draining your battery. The controls are standard for first-person games, and the abandoned setting creates an eerie and overpowering horror atmosphere. The advanced intelligence of the siren-headed maniac keeps the game challenging and exciting. Sprint Hunt – Survival horror is perfect for active players who enjoy survival horror games.