CubeCrafter – Craft Mine

by SayGames LTD for iOS 16.4

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CubeCrafter – Craft Mine: A Crafting Game with Action and Adventure

CubeCrafter is a free-to-play, multi-faceted adventure game developed by SayGames Ltd for iPhone users. It is a world-building simulator that combines resource collecting and time management with action and adventure. The game provides a casual crafting experience that is both enjoyable and original. The player can gather resources, craft different structures, explore a vast game world, and even do a little fighting. The game world is filled with sheep that get in the way, and the player can ride pigs while exploring.

The game has a distinctive design with simple mechanics that make it a reassuringly familiar and entertaining experience for players of all ages. It offers fun and fulfilling adventures in time-management, crafting, farming, and fighting. The player can mine, log, farm, and quarry a wide range of block-shaped resources, including wood, stone, clay, and wool, to get the basic blocks on which to build their crafting empire. Raw materials are enough to build a few simple structures at the start of the game, but to progress and expand the world, the player needs to build factories to craft bricks, boards, shingles, and other more advanced building materials.