Siren Head Horror Game Haunted

by Death Mansion for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Death Mansion.

Siren Head and Pipe Head are ghost-like creatures that were first introduced in Silent Hill: The Arcade. They are part of a demonic race called the “A.I” (Artificial Intelligence) and a group of them were responsible for the death of many people. They can manifest themselves in different forms but their true form is a large siren head. Sirens have long-manifested as a terrifying symbol for fear and they also represent death and the end of life. This is the reason why people often associate sirens with hell and the underworld. Sirens are very rare and only appear during times of great danger and tragedy.

If you like horror and scary games you must play Siren Head Scary Haunted House because of its awesome atmosphere and beautiful sound effects. There is no doubt that this game is a hidden gem for the genre, it will keep you on your toes as you live through the haunted house and fight against the evil siren heads.