Leis para Todos – Visual Novel APK

by Supernova Games for Android 9.0

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Leis para Todos – Visual Novel: A Game to Fight Political Corruption

Leis para TodosVisual Novel is an intriguing adventure game from Supernova Games that allows you to fight political corruption and change the politics of your country for the better. As a Congressman, you will have to research, investigate, and vote on Bills, create your own Bills, and confront corrupt politicians to make a difference.

The game is a visual novel and story-driven, showing the daily life of a Congressman. The game allows you to create your own Bills, investigate and vote on other Bills, and face the consequences of your actions. The game’s graphics are well-designed, and the gameplay is immersive.

Leis para TodosVisual Novel is free to play on Android and is one of the winners of the INOVApps Contest 2015 conducted by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Communications – MCTIC. For more games from Supernova Games, you can visit their website, Twitter, or Facebook page.