Bus Tycoon ND

by FrameLineNetwork Kft. for Windows 10

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Build a small bus and transport empire

Bus Tycoon ND is like a simple version of RailRoad Tycoon II except that there are fewer features and the only thing you are hauling is humans. You connect your station up to a local refuelling station, and you build roads that connect your depot to local attractions and areas where people live. Pick your stopping locations and pick people up for a profit. The sad part is that it has the makings of a great game, but it is very basic and after around two-to-four hours there is very little that is new or interesting left to do. If the development team had invested the same amount of time and resources into Bus Tycoon ND that the RailRoad Tycoon developers invested into their franchise, then Bus Tycoon ND could have made a mark in the Tycoon genre. The gameplay itself is basic, but fairly coherent. However, things such as road cracks are as annoying and unnecessary as the much-hated flies feature in the first Sims game. In addition, the fact that buses need to be serviced is an annoying (but suitable) feature.