Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard

by Microsoft for Windows XP

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Recover the autoplay functionality of your CD or DVD player

The failure of the Autoplay function is something that Windows users have long had to get used to. For some reason, DVDs and CDs often don’t open automatically as they should do.

Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard scans your computer devices to find defective AutoPlay settings, and attempts to fix those it finds. It’s not necessarily going to work on every model of PC but it can at least usually diagnose the problem even if it can’t fix it. The other problem is that it won’t support all drives although this latest version supports a far wider range than it did previously (although no model list is specified).

Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard doesn’t need installation. Simply double click the .EXE file and it will run a quick analysis of your drive and it’s functions to see whether it can be fixed. You are prompted whether you would like to repair it or not although if your drive is not supported, you’ll probably just receive a random error message that won’t specify what the exact problem is.

Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard is useful for anyone who has found that their PC has suddenly stopped playing DVDs and CDs automatically when they insert them in their machine.