Easy Japanese News やさしい日本語ニュース

by Ghi Nguyen for iOS 16.4

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The Easiest Japanese News iOS Application

Enjoy the easiest Japanese news application, an excellent source of information for Japanese learners. You can choose to hide the furigana, highlight the important words in the article, underline the vocabulary by Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level, analyze the grammar structure of the article, change the font size.

Listen to the reading voice and adjust the speed to the level of your Japanese language proficiency.

Change the voice by adjusting the voice speed and pitch.

For the articles which are not appropriate for your level, you can change the reading voice to listen to the audio recording of the article.

This application contains 31076 Japanese articles, which are all categorized by the article type. You can search for an article by the search term, word, kanji and the date of publication. You can refer to the translations of other users or use the quick Japanese dictionary available to look up any vocabulary in the article.