Worms Blast

by Team17 Digital for Windows 11

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Worms Blast: A Fun Twist on Puzzle Bobble

Worms Blast, developed by Team 17, is a puzzle game that offers a new twist on the classic game, Puzzle Bobble. In this game, you play as one of the many animal weapons from the Worms series, sitting in a boat and tasked with clearing the playfield of multicolored hexagons. You use a variety of weapons, including the famous Worms’ bazooka, to shoot blocks of the same color and make them disappear.

The game has three single-player modes: Puzzle, Tournament, vs. CPU, and eight multiplayer modes: Deathmatch, Don’t Drop Em, Star Collection, Tide Trial, One Line For Two, Star Race, Survival and Fight. Each character in the game has its unique characteristics, and completing the 60 levels in the puzzle mode unlocks new characters. The gameplay is challenging and fun, with a variety of weapons and modes to keep you engaged for hours.