OPPO Upgrade – Upgrade to latest OPPO phones

by Cashify.in for Android 9.0

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OPPO Upgrade – A Smart App That Helps You Make the Best Buying Decision for Your OPPO

OPPO Upgrade allows you to purchase a new OPPO product at a great buyback value, no matter whether your current phone is an old model or a new one.

To use the app, you’ll first have to select the city in which you currently reside. Next, you’ll be able to choose the phone that you want to buyback, and then click on “Buy Now”. In case you’re planning to buy a new OPPO smartphone, you can choose between two options: buy with cashify exchange or find the nearest OPPO stores.

OPPO Upgrade has two main sections: diagnostics and purchase.

In the diagnostics section, the app will give you detailed information about your current phone’s condition, and it will give you the exchange value of your phone.