Qaasid – The Pakistan News App

by Appsfornexus Digital Media for Android 9.0

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Qaasid – The Pakistan News App Review

Qaasid is a free news app developed by Appsfornexus Digital Media for Android users. The app provides the latest news in English from Pakistan. With its simple design and minimal options, news loads instantly as soon as you run the app.

One of the most significant features of Qaasid is that it provides news from all top Pakistani newspapers in ten different categories, including Pakistan, World, Business, Entertainment, Sports, Science, Technology, Health, and Editorial. You can turn off the categories you are not interested in for a more personalized experience. The news filter also allows you to search for news as per your interest.

The app provides a smooth reading experience with unlimited scrolling. You can scroll up and down to browse news within a category and swipe left and right to browse news in different categories. The app also has a left menu drawer for quick access to all features, including a source news browser, bookmark manager, news reading history, and news translation. Additionally, the app offers small and large list views and allows you to turn off notifications.

Overall, Qaasid is an excellent app for those who want to stay updated with the latest news in Pakistan. Its simple design, fast loading speed, and multiple features make it stand out from other news apps in the market.