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PolicePhonebook: A Comprehensive Police Contact App

PolicePhonebook is an Android application developed by กองสารนเทศ สำนักงานตำรวจแห่งชาติ. It is a free personalization app that aims to provide basic information about Thai police officers. Users can easily search for officers based on their ranks, positions, and units. Additionally, the app allows users to search for police stations and facilities in their area.

With PolicePhonebook, users can quickly access contact information for police officers and stations, making it easier to report incidents or seek assistance. The app also features a notification system to keep users updated with news and new data updates.

Overall, PolicePhonebook is a valuable tool for individuals looking for quick access to police contact information in Thailand. It provides a convenient and efficient way to connect with the police force and stay informed about important updates.